Provided there is in a country a nucleus of string players and string teachers who agree that the ideals of ESTA would be of interest, benefit and fulfilment for common intentions, then there is reasonable ground for forming an association that will eventually become eligible to apply for membership to ESTA.
A minimum of 3, preferably 5 people should form an effective committee to run the association. This should consist of a President or Chairman, a Treasurer and a Secretary, and possibly 2 other members, all agreeing to serve on a volontary basis. (Some large ESTA Branches, like UK that has at present a membership of nearly 1400, pay their part time secretary a fee. This is justified in view of the fact that reports, preparing meetings and Agendas, as well as taking Minutes of meetings, and basic communication to all the members is very time-consuming).
The membership will pay an annual fee. A national association may start with very fewmembers, perhaps 10–15, but more would be an advantage, as the membership fees willallow the association to dispose of more funds for events and meetings for the promotion, betterment and exchange of string teaching ideas. The treasurer will look after the income and expenditure of a national association.
A number of countries have a Magazine or News Letter, which is a vital part of communication to all national members.
Once a national association is formed it can approach the Central Board of ESTA producingits own national Statutes and evidence of membership and Organising Committee. The Annual Delegates’ Meeting of ESTA will then vote on the acceptance of the new Branch as an ESTA member.
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